The 7 Keys to Successful Dog Guardianship
Buying or adopting a dog is adding a new family member to your household. It could be fun and wonderful but certainly doesn't come without challenges. Dogs have their own ideas about what's fun and what's not and without guidance, can quickly turn a peaceful household into chaos.

Establishing a positive and rewarding relationship with our dog, requires more than taking him/her to a training class and teaching him a few behaviors, like 'sit', 'down' or 'come'. Just like a toddler, puppies, and dogs in general, need to learn how to interact politely with others, good potty habits, and general house manners. Without guidance, a puppy can quickly develop lasting habits that can be difficult to live with. Many may grow into an uncontrollable, leash pulling, yard digging and house destroying adult dog. The pleasure of owning a dog can turn into frustration and work in our already very busy life.

We focus on every aspect of living with a dog, from communicating with him/her to teaching him basic skills and good manners. With the latest scientific knowledge of dog training and behavior, we help owners develop a relationship with their animal based on understanding, management and respect of his/her needs.

Learn the 7 keys to a happy and well-behaved dog and develop a positive and fulfilling relationship with your furry companion.